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Sexton Family History
This interesting name has two possible origins, from an English occupational surname and from an Irish personal name. Firstly, it is an occupational name for a sexton or church warden. It derives from the Middle English "sexteyn", which comes from the Old French "secrestein", itself originally from the Latin "sacristanus". Variants of this form include Sexten, Sextone, Sexon and Secretan. The first recording of this form was in the early 13th Century. One William Sextain appears in the Subsidy Rolls for Sussex in 1327. The second origin is from the Anglicized form of the Gaelic Irish "O'Seastnain", descendant of "Seastnan", a personal name of uncertain origin; though it may have been originally a byname meaning "bodyguard" from "seasuighim", "to resist" or "defend"...Select Audience
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Patrick Sexton 1830-1900?

Danny R Sexton Jr
Edmund is as far back as I could truly find out about my family history. I would like to go further and find out about family history beyond that. I've found that his father may be Morris, grandfather Denis and great grandfather Alyen but not sure if the spelling of the last name changed and how to get solid records. denis on back may have been English born. any help is greatly appreciated.

Copied from personal research on the internet. this was written by James F Carver. Sexton is my 13th Great grandfather.
There are many official records housed in the British Museum in a collection of papers called the: SEXTON BOOK. Other offical "State Papers" exist in Ireland in regards to Sir Edmond Sexton.The below information only briefly highlights data from these records....:
EDMOND SEXTEN, born in Limerick, Ireland, descended from the family of the Sesnans (Sextens) in Thomond (Ireland).As a young adult Edmond crossed over from Ireland to England where he became a servant (later elevated to Chief of Servants) in the King's Chamber for King Henry VIII.Edmond's services to King Henry must have been for a short time for we find him back in Limerick, Ireland, as Mayor of Limerick in 1535
On July 27 & 28th, 1538, Edmond was involved in the violent political events of that time period.At this time, Lord Leonard Grey, Viceroy, conducted the Royal Army into Limerick, Ireland with a determined resolution to SLAUGHTER all the inhabitants of Limerick in just one night. Lord Grey bore a mortal hatred against them (citizens of Limerick) for their constancy in the Ordodox Religion (Protestant Christianity).Lord Grey deceitfully had the Mayor ( Edmond Sexten ) called out from the city so he would not have knowledge of what was to take place. When Edmond Sexten discovered Lord Grey's treachery he returned into the city around midnight to Lord Gray's house. The Viceroy's guards refused Sir Edmond Sexten's enterance...Edmond protested, threatened to "tear the gates asunder!"
Edmond was permitted to finally enter Lord Grey's house where he found the Viceroy (Grey) and all the commanders and men at arms of the Army waiting for the hour of Slaughter to come to Limerick.When Edmond questioned Lord Grey and the commanders of this assembly and it's purpose the Viceroy advised Edmond to return to the city.
Edmond refused to leave and withdrew from his soldier's coat the "KING'S PATENT" which granted him special authority.Edmond had the "King's Patent" (orders) read aloud and he commanded the Viceroy "In the King's Name" NOT to do anything secretly, unknown to, or without consulting him in his government of the Province of Munster, that the Viceroy was NOT to stir up any trouble or he would be held accountable....Thus Sir Edmond Sexten saved the city of Limerick, Ireland from massive destruction.
The Council of Ireland writing to Oliver Cromwell on 20 May 1539 accused Sir Edmond Sexten of high treason.They charged that since Edmond was "an Irishman" that he did things contrary to English statutes and Law.They charged that Edmond, because of his Irish heritage, favored his kinsmen and had affection for traitors, that they did not trust him.
Regardless of these complaints, Sir Edmond Sexten succeeded in retaining the good graces of his Royal Master. In 1538/1539 , King Henry VIII granted Edmond by "PRIVY SEAL":
"TO THE KING'S WELL BELOVED SERVANT, EDMOND SEXTEN, SEWER OF HIS CHAMBER"... Edmond was given the confiscated Abbey Houses of St. Mary & St Francis in Limerick, Ireland...with it, land, money, and household properties to own FOREVER and to EDMOND'S MALE HEIRS.
(Edmond Sexten was employed by King Henry VIII in the commission with the Earl of Desmond, the Bishop of Emlaye, and Mr. Agard, FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF ALL THE RELIGIOUS HOUSES in Munster (Ireland).Edmonds "actions" taken against Lord Grey, Viceroy in Limerick, Ireland SATISFIED King Henry VIII for he ordered Lord Grey to HONOR Edmond for his actions for it might allure the inhabitance of Limerick to obey the King.)
SIR EDMOND SEXTEN was also an author.Edmond wrote a book by King Henry VIII's commandment:"For the reformation of those parts" ...he wrote about the names of Castles, Rivers, Creeks, Important places, Territories, etc.
Later on, Sir Edmond Sexton's grandson, Edmond, would be living at the house of St. Mary..records indicated grandson Edmond would petition the Irish Government to maintain St. Mary & St. Francis free from jurisdictions, charge and taxation.
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